Sunday, December 22, 2013

So, what did Grandpa Glen REALLY die from?

Reading Glen’s obituary, listed below, one would believe that he died of a heart attack, after all it says there that he had been having problems for three years.

However….his death certificate (below) indicates to me what seems to be an entirely different cause of death.  

His immediate cause of death it states was from a hemorrhage from (?) ulcer.  I can’t quite make out what kind of ulcer it was, and I’m not a doctor, but the hemorrhaged ulcer seems to be clear.  Other conditions were from, and again, I can’t make out the first word, but the rest of it is gall bladder and left kidney, followed by left something bronchial blockage the way it looks.  But even not making everything out, it seems he was having serious stomach, gall bladder and kidney issues, with no mention of the any heart related issues that I can see.  That seems to be significantly different than what his obituary states.   It may be possible I’m misreading what the cause is, but none the less it’s interesting. 

If there indeed is a difference between what the obituary states, and what the death certificate states, which again is speculation on my part, I have no reason why the difference.  If someone can shed light on any of this, I sure would be interested, please let me know.

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